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How to Log in to FeedbackFruits

FeedbackFruits does not have a direct platform to log into. To access FeedbackFruits you will need to:

    1. Navigate to the Minerva Module you would like to access FeedbackFruits from.
    2. Select the Purple plus button to add content to your module.
    3. From the drop-down menu select Content Market.
    4. From the choice of tools select FeedbackFruits.
    5. You will be taken to the FeedbackFruits dashboard. You can select to; use a template from your library, copy a past activity, or create something from scratch. When creating a new assignment select start from scratch.
    6. You will now see the 7 feedback tools available within FeedbackFruits.

If you have already created an assignment in Feedback Fruits you would like to return to, navigate to the Minerva Module you created the assignment in and click on the link to it from your module.

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