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Find your module/organisations - Staff Guide

When you first log into Minerva, the Global Navigation menu on the left displays a link called Modules. Click this to open the Modules page. The Modules page is where you will access all of your modules.

To view your Organisations, click the Organisations link, the steps outlined below can then be followed to find your Organisations. The only difference is Organisations are not grouped by academic year.

In this guide

The Modules page displays a list of all the modules you are enrolled on. You can see the module code, module name and a link to a list of instructors.

You can change the Modules page from list view to grid view using the layout icons at the top. Grid view displays the card view for your modules, if you switch to this view, Minerva will remember this for when you next log in.

By default, modules for the current year will display at the top, and you can scroll down to see modules from previous years. Use the Terms dropdown list to focus on modules for a particular year.

Use the search function to find the module you are looking for by typing the module code or module name in the Search your modules field.

You can also use the Filter to modify your view of the Module page.

Unhide hidden modules

If you are unable to find your module, you may have inadvertently hidden it, (or forgotten you have hidden it).

Hiding a module is not the same as making it unavailable, it simply hides it from your Module page view.

1. From the Modules page, go to the Filter, and open the drop down menu to see if you have a Hidden from me option (it will be at the bottom of the list). If you do, then you have hidden modules, select this option to see your hidden modules.  If you don't see Hidden from me then you don't have any hidden modules.

2. You can unhide a module by hovering on the module card and clicking the three dots icon (...) and selecting Show module.

Making a module a favourite to make it easier to find

If you have a module you access regularly you can favourite it so that it remains pinned towards the top of your Modules page. Favourite a Module by clicking the star icon displayed on the relevant Module (in either list view or grid view). It will then move to the top of the page under a header called Favourites.

Troubleshooting - Can't find your module?

1. Remember that module enrolments from Banner will take overnight to appear in Minerva.
2. Have you accidentally hidden your module from view? See the, unhide modules guidance above on how to check.
3. Do you have a search term entered? Minerva will remember a search term you entered in a previous session.
4. Have you applied a filter, see the, using a filter guidance above on how to check.

Search terms: orgs