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Uploading and Exporting Content in Soundtrap

Uploading Audio and MIDI Files

Soundtrap supports the importing and exporting of your work as both audio and MIDI files, so you can work flexibly with your preferred recording software, offline, or through Teams.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard that lets electronic musical instruments communicate with each other. Saved MIDI files ending in .mid contain a set of instructions such as pitch, length, tempo and velocity rather than a full audio recording.

Into a prepared track

Click the three-dot menu icon on an existing track and select Import.../Import MIDI file... . The file will be added at the time selected by the playhead marker (the vertical line showing the current play position), so multiple files can be uploaded to the same track.

Into a new track

Selecting Import File from the central project menu will allow you to select a new audio or MIDI file in a separate browser window. You can then adjust the microphone, drum or synth presets by clicking the Show instrument icon to the left of the track name, then using the arrow brackets to cycle through instruments or clicking the instrument preset menu to view the full list.

Soundtrap supports the following audio file types: mp3, wav, aif, mp4, m4a, ogg, aac.

Exporting Audio and MIDI Files

Saving your work ofline

Individual tracks on a project can be saved for working ofline on a different DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) by clicking the three-dot menu icon and selecting Export as WAV (for an audio track) or Export > Export MIDI to file for any MIDI instruments.

Multiple MIDI tracks can also be saved as one .mid file by going to FILE >Export > Export MIDI tracks to file (note this does not save audio tracks).

Mastering and downloading finished audio

Once you're happy with a project and ready to submit your work it can be downloaded by returning to your Projects page. From there, select the three -dot menu icon, then Download and MP3.

You may see a notification under your project title for "mixing" with the download options unavailable. Your download will only be available once this background process is completed and can take several minutes. You can safely leave the site and return later to download your work.A view of the Projects page in Soundtrap. A project options menu is opened showing several options including a Download section with MP3, OGG and WAV options.


You can manually run the mixing process from within the Studio space by going to File > Download mix . This feature however is still in beta and only supports WAV and OGG files, which may not be supported by all devices and may cause issues with your submission. Therefore we do not recommend this method for submitting assessed work.