Digital Education Enhancement Team: Contact List - Staff Guide
Your Digital Education Enhancement (DEE) team works within faculties and schools to embed design learning approaches and develop digital capabilities in learning and teaching.
Our highly skilled team are experts in learning technology and pedagogical practice. Collaborating with academics and teaching professionals, we provide support to leverage the power of digital technology to enable strategic educational development and transform the student experience.
Digital technology has the power to enhance academic practice and provide new ways of achieving your academic goals.
Together, we can:
- Design new digital learning experiences
- Discuss ideas and find creative solutions to pedagogical challenges
- Innovate in teaching practice
- Create high-quality learning objects
- Embed flipped learning methodologies
- Build digital experiences into modules and teaching resources.
Don’t wait to have a fully-formed idea! We can support at all stages of the learning design process, so get in touch early to discuss your needs and how we can help.
Contact your Learning Technologists at the appropriate Digital Education Enhancement Team (DEE) email address below.
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures:
- Faculty of Biological Sciences:
- Faculty of Business:
- Faculty of Social Sciences:
- Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences:
- Faculty of Environment:
- Faculty of Medicine & Health:
Students and non-faculty staff can contact the Digital Education Systems Team by requesting help through the IT website.