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Copying Assignments in Gradescope - Staff Guide

Gradescope has a range of administrative functions to improve assessment workflows.

Copying Assignments

Assignments can be duplicated within the same Gradescope course, or copied from another which you are also enrolled on as an Instructor.

To copy an assignment, go to the module that you’d like to copy an assignment into and click on the Gradescope Dashboard link. When in the Gradescope interface, click on Assignments from the left hand menu. On the toolbar at the bottom of the page, click Duplicate Assignment.

Duplicate Assignment Button

This will launch a window with all your Gradescope courses. Use the down arrow to expand the relevant course , then select the assignment you’d like to copy which will highlight in green. This must have a unique title, so if you are copying within the same course, change the name under Copied Assignment Title. Click Duplicate.

Duplicate Assignment Gradescope

You will now see your copy appear in the Assignments list. This will have copied all settings, but no submissions. Adjust the settings as appropriate by clicking on the 3 dots at the end of the assignment, and then Assignment Settings.