Gradescope: Staff Guides
Gradescope is a tool offered by Turnitin that provides a way of submitting and marking assessment. It is particularly useful for paper-based assignments which require students to supply answers that cannot be directly entered into a computer or device.
Gradescope enables electronic creation, delivery, submission and marking of a number of assessment types:
- handwritten responses
- typed responses
- STEM formulae and diagrams
- programming/code
- multiple choice
Not all Gradescope guides are shown on this page. If you are looking for specific guidance, don't forget you can search this site or refer to theĀ A to Z of Gradescope guides.
Setting up your course
Creating an Online assignment
Creating a Homework assignment
Creating a Programming assignment
Publish results
Assessment administration
Academic Integrity Summary required for all summative assessments
An Academic Integrity summary needs to be added to the description field in Minerva on all links to summative assessments regardless of the tool being used to deliver the assessment.
See the Academic Integrity Summary guide for guidance on how to add this and the text you need to include.
Arranging External Examiner Access
Quality Assurance have advised that external examiners must have a Leeds IT account before they can be given access to submissions and any other University systems (e.g. Minerva).
See, Leeds IT accounts for external examiners for guidance on how this can be arranged.
Need help finding a guide? The A to Z of Gradescope guides lists all the Gradescope guides currently available on this site. You can also search this site for answers to your questions.
Looking for guidance on using Gradescope in Original Minerva (for 2021/22 modules and earlier)? See Original Minerva Gradescope Guides.