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Import Padlets from an existing Padlet account

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If you have a existing free or paid Padlet account, you can import your Padlets from your existing account into your University of Leeds Padlet account. The University has procured a private, more secure type of Padlet account called the Backpack account for its staff and students to use which includes the ability to create unlimited Padlets.

1. Login to Padlet: using your University of Leeds credentials. If you have not yet created a University of Leeds Padlet account see the Create a Padlet account guide.

2. Click on the ellipsis at the bottom left of the screen and select Import.

gif of editor opening settings in padlet and selecting import

3. You will then be prompted to log in to your non-University of Leeds Padlet account, then select the Padlets you want to import.

screenshot of padlet import screen

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