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Getting started with Padlet: Create an account

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Before you can start using Padlet you will need to create your account by following a few steps. The University has procured Padlet Backpack licences for it’s staff and students. Backpack offers a more private, more secure instance of Padlet which is more suited to educational use.

Staff and students using their University of Leeds Padlet account can create unlimited Padlets and upload larger file sizes than are supported by other Padlet account types. Staff can also embed Padlets into a Minerva module or organisation, and Microsoft Teams channels.

Watch – Create a Padlet account

In this article

Create a Padlet account
Your Padlet profile
Logging into your Padlet account

Create a Padlet account

1. Go to and click on the Continue with Microsoft button.

screenshot of log in with microsoft button in padlet log in

2. Sign in using your University of Leeds account ( and click Next. Please do not use @adm.leeds accounts.

screenshot of microsoft log in

3. A permissions request window should appear. Click Accept.

screenshot of padlet permissions requested

4. Some users may be taken to the University sign in page, please enter using your University of Leeds account ( and click Sign in. You will be taken to the Padlet dashboard where you can create your first Padlet.

5. Your new account may have two tabs: Padlet Basic and University of Leeds. You must ensure Padlets are in the University of Leeds tab if you wish to share them. The Basic account can be deleted in settings if desired.

Your Padlet Profile

Your user profile generates a unique URL: Padlet Username and users who have your account URL can view your basic information (your name, Padlet username and any biography or photo you have the option of adding). You can edit your profile by clicking on the cog icon at the bottom left and selecting Settings.

gif of editor clicking the cog icon and then settings on padlet dashboard

Logging into your Padlet account

Once you have created an account you can access your Padlet account via:

You are now ready to create your first Padlet. For guidance on how to create a Padlet, see the Create and Share a Padlet guide.

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