Auto-captions within Collaborate - Staff Guide
You can improve the accessibility of content within Collaborate sessions by creating captions for recorded modules.
Collaborate can use speech-to-text recognition to create a transcript and generate automatic captions of recorded sessions.
You can enable and create auto-captions only after the session has been recorded by accessing the Recording Settings for the session.
To enable captions on your recording:
1. Go to your recording and click the three dots icon … next to the recording name.
2. Select Recording settings to see the Recording settings menu.
3. Use the Enable Captions toggle to switch on captions. Click Create auto-caption to start the process.
4. Leave these to generate in the background and return to the recording later. The captions column will read Done or Available when complete.
Once generated, a VTT file containing the captions can be downloaded for editing using the Download captions link.
There is more information on captioning in the Captions guide on the Collaborate website.