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Create Microsoft Teams Meetings in Minerva - Staff Guide

If a Minerva Class Team has been created and activated for your module/merged module or organisation, Microsoft Teams Meetings allow you to quickly schedule meetings with members of your module/organisations.

Note: Microsoft Teams Meetings can’t be created in Original organisations (this mostly affects School/Faculty Organisations which haven't been converted to Ultra yet).

Create Microsoft Teams Meetings

If the Minerva Class Team for your module/merged module/organisation in Minerva has not yet been created and activated, follow the guidance in the Create and activate a Class Team guide. Once the Minerva Class Team has been created and activated, you can then create Microsoft Teams Meetings for the Minerva Class Team:

1. In Minerva, open the relevant module/merged module/organisation.

2. From the Details & Actions area, under the Microsoft Teams heading, click the Open Microsoft Teams link to reveal a drop down menu, and choose Open Microsoft Teams meetings.

3. The first time you do this you may see a Welcome to Microsoft Teams screen and be prompted to sign in using your University username ( and password. Click Sign in to do this.

4. You should then be prompted to choose how you'd like to open Microsoft Teams. Choose between the desktop or web app.

5. The Microsoft Teams Meetings page should be open and you will have the option to create a new meeting. Click the + New meeting button to create a meeting.

6. This will open the New meeting details page. Complete the fields as required.

For your attendees, you will have the option to:

  • a. Add entire class - selecting this option will add everyone enrolled on the module to the meeting request.
  • b. Add channel - type in the name of an existing Team Channel will invite all the members of that channel to the meeting. If you choose this option, once you save your meeting, an auto-message will be posted in the relevant channel to advise members that a channel meeting has been scheduled.

Choose your time, date, duration, attendees, etc, and click Save when you are done.

Please note

Adding the entire class will only invite people that are currently enrolled on the module/organisation, if new staff or student members are added to the module/organisation after the meeting is created, they will not be included in the meeting invite. Equally, if anyone included in the invite leaves the module/organisation they will not be removed from the meeting invite.


Meetings will be added to your personal Office365 calendar. Meetings are not added to the Team Calendar unless you add a specific channel to the meeting (step 6b). If you do add a specific channel the message will be posted in the relevant channel to advise members of the upcoming meeting.

Though it is possible to schedule meetings directly within Teams, they will not appear within the Microsoft Teams Meetings page in your Minerva module or organisation.

We would recommend creating your Minerva Class Teams meetings via the Microsoft Team Meetings link, (as outlined in this guide) so that all your meetings are listed on the Meetings page in your Minerva module or organisation.

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Accessing a Minerva Class Teams meeting once created

Once you've created and saved a Minerva Class Teams meeting, staff and students can access the meeting three ways, from within Minerva, via Outlook or the Microsoft Teams application:

From within Minerva

1. Log in to Minerva.

2. Go into the relevant module or organisation.

3. From the Details & Actions area, under the Microsoft Teams heading, select the Open Microsoft Teams link to reveal a drop-down menu. Select Open Microsoft Teams meetings from the drop-down menu.

4. This will take you to the Microsoft Teams Meetings page which will default to showing you the meetings taking place Today. Select Join on the relevant meeting to join it.

If you do not see the Join option on a meeting, select Edit to check if you have invited attendees. A Join link will only be generated when the attendee field has at least one name in it.

5. After you have clicked Join, you will be prompted to choose:

  • whether to download the app if you haven’t already
  • use the web app (Chrome is recommended)
  • launch the app if it is installed already

Choose the option that suits you to join the meeting.

From Outlook

Open your Outlook calendar to the day of the meeting and open the calendar invite, there should be a join link in the calendar invite.

From Microsoft Teams

Select the calendar tab from the left and go to the day of the meeting. Click the relevant meeting invite, this should contain a Join link.

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