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Minerva file name guidelines - Student Guide

The way you name your files and folders conveys information about what the file contains. Adopting a naming convention makes it easier to manage files and find what you want, quickly.

Good Practice

Good PracticeRationale
Keep your file and folder names shortIt is easier to locate files and keeps file paths short
Make the name uniqueAvoids confusing duplicates
Do not use any of the following characters: & , . ( ) % # ‘ “ / \ - { } [ ] : ; @Usually not allowed in most file systems
Do not include spacesThis can cause difficulties in most operating systems
When numbering similar types of files/folders try to anticipate maximum numbersFor example, if you think you will use 100 files, it is better to use 001 instead of 01, otherwise lists of files will be difficult to order.
It is good practice to keep the directory structure between 3 - 5 levelsShallow directory structures are easier to manage

Recommended naming convention

A popular naming convention which is used in a number of World Wide Web Consortium recommended protocols is CamelCase. CamelCase uses multiple words that are joined together as a single word. The first letter of each of the multiple words is a capital which aids readability. However, it is important not to create very long words e.g. ‘DontCreateVeryLongWordsBecause they LengthenFilepathsAndDontNecessarilyAidDescriptionOfFileContents’

There are two types of CamelCase, it doesn't matter which one you use - just pick one and stick with it:

  • lowerCamelCase - the first letter of the filename is lower case e.g firstLetterLowerCase.txt
  • UpperCamelCase - the first letter of the filename is upper case e.g FirstLetterUpperCase.txt

Optional date naming/sorting convention

If you want to insert a date in your file name, use the format: YYYYMMDD, separated by a hyphen or underscore e.g. 20080228-VLE.doc. Do not use spaces to separate fields.