Minerva Ultra Course View - Dates to Note

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- News for Staff
You will be aware that the next phase of the Minerva Upgrade Project, which focuses on improvements to teaching areas within the platform, is now underway, and that, due to structural changes within the news system, it will be necessary for colleagues to take the opportunity to refresh and rebuild teaching areas within Minerva Ultra Course View before the start of the 2022/23 academic year.
Dates to Note
The Minerva Migration Project Team now envisage that Ultra Course View module areas will be ready for population during the week commencing Monday 6 June, which means that most staff will have around four months to build their areas prior to the start of teaching for the 2022/23 academic year. Further information and confirmation on timings in relation to the completion of module areas will be circulated during April/May.
Content Copying
Although automated content copy (sometimes referred to as module rollover) is no longer technically possible, intuitive copy tools exist in Ultra Course View, enabling staff to copy individual, or multiple, pieces of content from older modules. Full guidance will be provided to enable staff to make the most of these copy tools.
Introduction to Ultra Course View eLearning resource
The Introduction to Ultra Course View eLearning resource for staff, which provides a high-level overview of forthcoming changes and new functionality to Minerva, is now available. Please do take time to look at this to familiarise yourself with forthcoming changes.
Training and Support
Training and support will be provided from late May/early June to assist staff in making the most of Ultra Course View, and you’ll be kept updated on when this is available, along with other project activities. In the meantime, further information can be found at the Digital Education Systems Help website, on Twitter at @DESystemsUoL, and you can also use this online form to contact the project team with any queries or feedback.