Missing feedback when using Anonymous Blackboard Tests with Essay Questions
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- News for Staff
What’s happening?
For anonymous Blackboard Tests with questions that need to be graded e.g. Essay questions, it is possible for feedback to disappear from the Gradebook during the grading process.
How will it affect me?
For this problem to occur, feedback must be entered before the student's score for the question is entered. Initially feedback appears to be retained, but when the user logs out and back in again, it is not present. When question scores are entered before feedback, the issue does not occur.
What do I need to do?
If an incident is reported, staff should log a ticket via the IT website, search for Something broken? and complete the form providing the relevant module code(s) and test(s) impacted. DE Systems can assist with retrieving text feedback via the Grade History which can be re-uploaded, ensuring grades aren't affected.