Issue with the Activity Log in Minerva modules
There is currently an issue where access to integrated items (e.g. Turnitin and Gradescope) are not being recorded.
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There is currently an issue where access to integrated items (e.g. Turnitin and Gradescope) are not being recorded.
An issue with the recording tool (as reported in December) is now confirmed as resolved by our supplier.
On Tuesday, 3rd December 2024, a global issue impacted access to third-party integrated tools within Minerva. Staff and students may have experienced difficulties accessing these tools between 07:26 AM and 11:00 AM GMT.
In Minerva there is a recording tool which can be used to create recordings directly in modules and organisations. We have received reports of this not working correctly, specifically when adding recordings to feedback for Blackboard Assignments.
Issue resolved where staff and students received old scheduled Minerva announcement emails.
Staff and students may notice that they are receiving old scheduled Minerva announcement emails.
The July update introduces improvements to Announcements, Blackboard Assignments and Tests. An issue which prevented IDs displaying in the Gradebook has also been resolved.
Older technology used to link to Mediasite content from within Minerva modules/organisations 2021/22 and older, will no longer be supported from the 30th of June 2024.
If you need access to an assignment submitted before 2021/22, you can log a request via the IT website and we can access the content for you.
When editing the title or description of a Learning Module in Minerva, staff may experience a delay for the page to load.
There is a known issue with the Password Reset Feature on Athena TDM and learners will see an error message when attempting to reset their password.
Our supplier has identified the issue and a fix has been applied to resolve the issue.
For anonymous Tests with questions that need to be graded e.g. Essay questions, it is possible for feedback to disappear from the Gradebook during the grading process if a specific workflow is used.
There is a known issue with the Turnitin copy assignment feature which is causing users to see an error when attempting to copy multiple assignments.
The current method used to access Turnitin assignments in Minerva modules from 2021/22 and earlier is no longer available. Turnitin is working on a solution...
An issue has been identified with submission dates for submissions where the grades have been returned.
The issue where Minerva messages were incorrectly sent to people with inactive enrolments has been resolved.
Students who receive straight-away email notifications from Minerva are incorrectly receiving "mark cleared" notifications from Turnitin submissions.
Minerva Messages are being incorrectly emailed to people with inactive enrolments in Minerva modules and organisations.
The issue affecting display of the Turnitin submission inbox has now been resolved, due to the vendor applying a fix. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused as a result of this issue.
The issue affecting file uploads in Minerva is now resolved.
There is currently an issue where users may not be able to upload files within Minerva intermittently.