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Embed a Padlet into a Minerva area - Staff Guide

You need to be enrolled as an Instructor on the Minerva module or organisation you want to add a Padlet to. For guidance on how to create a Padlet, see the Create and Share a Padlet guide.

1. Log in to Padlet: using your University of Leeds credentials and open the Padlet you want to embed into a Minerva area.

2. The Padlet privacy should be set to Secret. Make sure your visitor permissions are suitable. See the Share your Padlet guide for more information on this.

3. Click on the Share icon on the right.

screenshot of highlighted share button in padlet

4. Select Embed in your blog or your website.

screenshot of highlighted share opitons in padlet

5. Click Copy underneath the HTML code to copy the code.

screenshot of padlet embed url and copy url button

6. Log in to Minerva and open the Mienrva module or organisation you want to add the Padlet to.

7. Click on the plus sign in the content area, select Create and then Document.Gif of Padlet Platform

8. Enter a name for for this item and select Add HTML.

Screenshot of the Ultra platform

8. Paste the copied code into the HTML window and click Save to embed your Padlet to this item.

screenshot of pasted source code in minerva for a padlet

Student interaction with Padlets in Minerva

When a Padlet is embedded into Minerva, students are not required to have a Padlet account or be logged in to contribute. To see who has contributed to your Padlet, ask your students to write their name on their posts. Even if you have the Author and timestamp setting enabled, students are anonymous unless they are logged in with their Padlet account.

Remember to check your visitor permissions on who can view, write and edit your Padlet. See the Share your Padlet guide for further information.

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