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Vevox PowerPoint Add-in

Note: The Vevox PowerPoint Add-in is for the desktop application and is not currently available for the online browser. The Vevox PowerPoint add-in is only compatible with post-2016 versions of PowerPoint. If you would like to update your Office Suite to Office 365, it can be downloaded via the Company Portal. If you are unable to do this, please raise an IT ticket.

Vevox is available in all Teaching spaces on campus. If you are using Vevox on Campus you may be prompted to log into Powerpoint in order to access Vevox. Once you have logged into Powerpoint the insert poll button should appear.

To use the Vevox PowerPoint add-in you must first create your poll in Vevox. If you have not yet created a poll see, How to create a basic poll.

1. Once you have created your Vevox poll, open the PowerPoint presentation you would like to add Vevox to.

2. Select Insert Poll (Vevox) from the Home tab in PowerPoint. If the Vevox Add-in doesn't appear by default either navigate to your Add-in store and click on the Admin Managed tabĀ and manually add Vevox. If you are using a campus computer you may need to log into PowerPoint at the top right-hand side of the screen, once you have done this after a few moments the Vevox insert poll button should appear.

Screenshot of Vevox PowerPoint Addin

3. A Vevox panel will open on the right-hand side of your screen. Click GET STARTED, you will be prompted to log into Vevox with your university credentials.

4. You will be presented with all of the Vevox poll sessions you have created. Select the session you would like to insert into your PowerPoint. All the the polls within this session will become available in the panel on the right-hand side of the screen including the joining instructions.

5. Select the joining instructions and the polls you would like to add to your Powerpoint. You can select all polls.

By default your instructions and polls will be added to the end of your presentation. Each poll will consist of two slides:

  • one for the question
  • one for the results.

These slides will act as a pair.

5. Move the polls into place within your PowerPoint presentation. Save your presentation when you are happy with the running order.

Presenting - things to note

When presenting, your poll will automatically start when you get to the polls slide and automatically close and when you move to the results slide.

The settings you have set on your online Vevox Dashboard will work in your PowerPoint, for example, if you have set your session to display live results or to have a timer.

You must leave the Vevox side panel open in order for the add-in to work, this keeps the connection between Vevox and PowerPoint.