Accessibility Statements for Digital Education Systems
The University of Leeds is committed to making its digital estate accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
The Digital Education Service supports a number of online systems, and are continually working with our suppliers to provide an accessible user experience. Below you can find regularly-updated information on the accessibility of our systems, with links to our web accessibility statements which contain reviews of how we are meeting (or working to meet) accessibility standards.
System Accessibility Statements
Minerva is the University's Portal and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which uses Anthology’s Blackboard Learn. Minerva contains online teaching areas and links to other integrated tools for interactive learning, assessment and grading, and communication.
Minerva's Web Accessibility Statement
Accessibility in Minerva - using keyboard shortcuts and screen readers
Accessibility in Minerva - reduced motion settings
Anthology's Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (external site)
Collaborate Ultra
PebblePad is a portfolio and personal learning platform enabling the gathering of learning and development material. Tutors can provide scaffolds for students to work from or invite students to initiate their own projects.
PebblePad Accessibility Statement
Making PebblePad content more accessible
Accessibility at PebblePad (external site)
Requesting Support
If you would like more information, find any problems not listed in these statements, or feel we're not meeting your accessibility needs, please contact the Digital Education Systems Team via the IT Service Desk.
Related Links
- Accessibility of this website.
- See the Digital Accessibility website for how to get help with digital accessibility at the University of Leeds.
- The For Students website has further guidance on support for disabled students.
- Staff can find disability support and resources through the Equality and Inclusion Unit website.
- School Academic Leads for Inclusive Practice (SALIPs) work to promote and embed inclusive approaches in education. They can help teaching staff understand what this means in their own disciplinary context. Contact a SALIP in your Faculty.