Activity Log - Staff Guide
The Activity Log presents a list of a student's interactions with the module. Please note this should be considered an indicative list of their interactions and should not be considered 100% reliable or a comprehensive list of their activity in the module.
The following activities are recorded (please note, for anonymous activities/assessments, actions are not stored in the Activity Log):
- Module Access
- Assessment started/draft saved/submission/auto-submission (Blackboard Assignment/Test)
- Discussion access/draft saved/reply/response/edit
- Document access
- Journal access
- Link access
- LTI item access (these are not working at present - these should show a link to integrated tools like Turnitin/Gradescope was clicked, but will not confirm submission/submission attempt)
- SCORM item access
Click on the name of a student in the Gradebook and then Activity Log:
The log can be downloaded as a CSV for offline review to troubleshoot or resolve academic disputes.
Staff may also find Progress Tracking useful to understand how students are interacting with module content.