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Minerva Monthly Update - March 2023

New Features / Bug Fixes / Releases

The March update to Minerva brings improvements to assessment grading, scheduling of announcements, and the ability to control the visibility of module/organisation enrolments to students.

New Features and Improvements 

Assessment grading 

Previously if a student had made multiple assessment attempts an instructor would have to close the attempt and then select a different attempt. It is now possible for instructors to quickly switch between multiple attempts using a dropdown. When a student's name is selected in the list of submissions the most recent attempt will load, and the instructor can then select the appropriate attempt.

Scheduled announcements 

A pop-up announcement would not appear in the module to staff and students if one was scheduled for the future.  This would also mean that any views of the announcement, even if it was accessed via the Announcements section, were not tracked. This has now been resolved, meaning that all announcements scheduled for the future will appear as a pop-up in modules, and all views are tracked.

Manage enrolment lists

Staff now have the ability to hide the list of module/organisation enrolments from their students. Further information on this is available in the Managing/Hiding the Enrolments section in modules and organisations guide.