StREAM@Leeds service disruption
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- News for Staff
What's happening?
Some Academic Personal Tutors may be unable to login to StREAM@Leeds. They may notice the screen flashing when they attempt to do so.
Some students’ learning analytics data will not be available in StREAM@Leeds.
StREAM@Leeds is the University's learning analytics system.
Who is it affecting?
Academic Personal Tutors, SES staff involved in digital engagement monitoring and students.
What are we doing about it?
We are currently investigating these issues in conjunction with the vendor.
Academic Personal Tutors or Student Education Service staff concerned about specific a specific student, whose data is not available can request Minerva engagement reporting. To request this please open a ticket.
On the form, please include:
In the short description: FAO: Digital Education Systems – StREAM@Leeds
The ID number of the student
Any particular dates you are interested in.
In addition to this site, updates can also be found on the Service Status page on the IT website.