What's new for APT in 2023/24 - Academic Personal Tutor's Guide
The LeedsforLife workbook has been revised for 2023/24 with some notable improvements. All new foundation, postgraduate and first year undergraduate students (as well as those continuing students who haven't yet begun using their workbook) will receive this revised edition. Continuing students who previously enaged with their workbook will retain the version originally provided to them. Both versions of the workbook will function in the same way but may look a little different. The core area for APTs to interact with is found in the same place and there is no major chage to workflows, only tweaks to make using the workbook a little more streamlined
‘My’ has changed to ‘Your’
Older versions of the workbook will refer to 'My' throughout, e.g. 'My APT' but this is now 'Your' in the latest version, e.g. 'Your APT'.
Tabs in the Workbook
Subject Headings represented in the tabs across the top of the workbook and providing students with information have been updated for the latest version. The core area for APTs to interact with remains the same, i.e. the My/Your APT menu, top left.
The Meetings area of the LeedsforLife Workbook is now in one handy page with less sections to complete
All the meetings for an academic year are now recorded on one page. This makes it easier to reflect on notes from previous meetings.
For APTs and tutees there is now only one notes area each to fill in per meeting. The notes areas can be used before, during or after meetings with further additions being saved in the same place.
A Meetings Number Picker has been introduced to help keep track of meetings
At the top of the meetings page, APTs will find a number picker to update whenever a meeting is held. This helps to discover more easily which tutees you have and haven't yet met with by bringing the information into one column on a report of the workbook page.
Your PebblePad and Your Collection
The tab previously known as 'My Assets' (top right) is now 'Your/My PebblePad'. Here, there is advice for tutees on making the most of PebblePad during their time at Leeds. There is a specific area, Your Collection, where tutees are encouraged to gather evidence of their learning and development. If tutees have uploaded a copy of their 2021/22 workbook, it will still be available from this tab.