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Mediasite: Staff Guides

Mediasite is the University’s Lecture Capture and Multimedia system.

It allows you to record, edit and share digital content. Mediasite can automatically record taught sessions if they have been set up on the University timetable, but you can also record screencasts or upload video and audio files to Mediasite.

You can access Mediasite via the homepage in Minerva or by logging in via the Mediasite Leeds Login Page. User guidance is available on the IT website, we've provided links to some popular guides below.

Request a change to the owner of a lecture capture/Mediasite recording

Mediasite recordings, including lecture capture content can only be owned by one person within the University. Where ownership needs to be transferred e.g. wrong owner, staff leaving, changing roles etc., please refer to the Request a change to the owner of a Mediasite/lecture capture recording article on the IT website (this link will take you there).

Depending on the school you belong to, the process for request change may differ, this article provides you with guidance on how to request a change.

Adding a Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) recording to a Minerva module

If you record taught sessions using Microsoft Teams these are saved by default to Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint). Uploading these recordings into Mediasite allows your students to view this content more easily within Minerva, alongside the lecture capture recordings that may exist for the module.

Additionally, it is not currently possible to embed Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) videos without having to manually manage access for each person who needs to view them. For this reason, Mediasite is also the most suitable platform for video recordings you want to embed in Minerva.

Linking Mediasite recordings made using Record Now to a Minerva module

If you have used Record Now or Mosaic to record your teaching, there are manual steps you will need to complete to link your recording to the relevant module in Minerva, (this link will take you to the IT website).

How to Edit Your Mediasite Content

Mediasite includes a web editor which allows you to perform basic edits online (such as removing the start and end of your content), (this link will take you to the IT website).

Download your Lecture Capture and Mediasite content

This article will show you how to download a copy of your Lecture Capture and Mediasite content as a Vodcast (video) or Podcast (audio only).

Request to restore a recording from the Recycle Bin

If you need to restore a recording that has been deleted accidentally from your Recycle Bin, please complete the Restore a recording from the Recycle Bin request form (you will need to be logged into the IT website to see this form).

Other Mediasite Guides

Introduction to Lecture Capture and Media Management (Mediasite)

This guide provides an overview of what the Lecture Capture & Media Management system offers and how it can be used.

How to use Record Now

Record Now allows you to start and save ad-hoc recordings made in a teaching space to your Mediasite account (this link will take you to the IT website).

Mediasite Mosaic

Find out more about the Mediasite Mosaic recording application which features multiple recording options and the ability to bulk upload content into Mediasite (this link will take you to the IT website).

Analytics for your recordings

Learn how to view or export a Mediasite analytics report so you can see how many users have watched your content (this link will take you to the IT website).