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Copy Content in Minerva - Staff Guide

Until the introduction of Ultra Course View in the summer of 2022 the institution automatically copied content as part of the module creation process (this was often referred to as module rollover). For technical reasons, and to ensure that module areas are uncluttered, content will not be automatically copied from the previous instance of a module. Once staff have reviewed their teaching content, they can use straightforward copy functionality to copy individual items or folders from previous modules at the click of a button.

Copy tools exist to help you to reuse content from previous instances of Minerva modules. If an existing module didn’t run in the 2023/24 academic year and you want to copy content from a version that last ran in 2021/22 or earlier, see our guide on copying content from Original modules which also covers organisations moving to Ultra Course View.

We recommend that you do not attempt to copy entire modules.

Attempting to copy entire modules may result in copied items having technical issues which may not be immediately obvious.

None of the integrated assessment tools listed below will appear as copy options when you select individual items to copy but will automatically copy if you copy a folder, Learning Module or perform an entire module copy. If any of the assessment tools listed below are copied, you will need to delete and create new instances for your module(s). For non-assessed tools you do not need to delete them:

Integrated assessment tools you should not copy

  • Turnitin assignments (see note)
  • Gradescope assignments
  • Top Hat
  • Buddycheck
  • Pebblepad
  • Mobius
  • Feedback Fruits (pilots only)
  • Labster

Note: You should not use Minerva module copy tools for copying Turnitin assignments but there is a new Turnitin Assignment Copy feature which is now available. See the Turnitin guide on copying assignments for more information.

Before you begin

In this guide:

Content types which can be copied

Feature/Content Type Note
AnnouncementsWill copy.
Document Document content including attached files and HTML can be copied.
File Files added to module content from your PC or linked to the Content Collection will copy.
FolderFolder depth is limited to two folders. When copying a folder some items will copy that won’t appear as a copy option when selecting individual content items.

Once copied you should review the content and remove any that are included in the ‘integrated assessment tools you should not copy’ list above.
Learning Module When copying a Learning Module some items will copy that won’t appear as a copy option when selecting individual content items.

Once copied you should review the content and remove any that are included in the ‘integrated assessment tools you should not copy’ list above.
Embedded or linked videosWill copy as part of a Document. If you are copying a video that has been linked from or embedded in your module it will retain any permissions associated with the video.

If the permissions are for a specific group of users e.g. Class Teams recording associated to a previous cohort you will need to adjust the permissions for students in the new module instance to have access.
Mediasite videos Won’t appear as a copy option when selecting individual content items. Will only copy if copied as part of a folder, Learning Module or entire module copy.
PadletWon’t appear as a copy option when selecting individual content items. Will only copy if copied as part of a folder, Learning Module or entire module copy.

A link to the original Padlet will be created. You should delete this unless you plan to reuse the same Padlet in different modules.
Web LinkWill copy.
Module LinkWill copy along with the item linked to if copied as part of a folder or Learning Module.
ImageWill copy.
Blackboard Assessment Tools
TestsThe associated Gradebook column will also copy. You will need to review and update any due dates and grade/feedback release dates. Note that if you use Question Banks, you should copy all Tests with Questions linked to the Bank at the same time. When you copy the Tests, the Bank will copy automatically. If you copy Tests separately, you will end up with multiple copies of the Bank.

We recommend that you check copied Tests and settings thoroughly in case of an unexpected error.
Blackboard Assignments (including offline assignment)The associated Gradebook column will also copy. You will need to review and update any due dates.
GradebookGradebook Gradebook Gradable Items will copy as part of an assessed item It isn’t possible to copy Gradebook Gradable Items specifically e.g. standalone/manually created items (columns) can’t be copied.
RubricsWill copy if an assessment is using one.
SCORMThe associated Gradebook column will also copy. You will need to review and update any due dates.
ConversationsWill copy as empty. Conversation settings are copied as part of any Document, Assignment, Offline Assignment or SCORM package that has Conversations enabled.
DiscussionsWill copy as empty. If used for grading the associated Gradebook column will also copy. You will need to review and update any due dates.
JournalsWill copy as empty. If used for grading the associated Gradebook column will also copy. You will need to review and update any due dates.
Microsoft Teams MeetingsMicrosoft Teams Meetings Won’t appear as a copy option when selecting individual content items. Will only copy if copied as part of a folder, Learning Module or entire module copy.

A link will be added to the Microsoft Teams Meetings scheduler page.
Learning Module – Forced sequenceIf a Learning Module has forced sequence any availability settings will be respected when copied.
Content visibilityAll items copied as hidden from students.
Conditional availability rulesAny date, performance or group settings are copied but all content is hidden from students, and rules should be reviewed.

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Content types which don't copy

Some functionality will either not copy or may copy partially.

Feature/Content TypeNote
Integrated Assessment ToolsWill copy as part of a folder/learning module or entire module copy as broken. You will need to delete and re-add them.
Mediasite (Lecture Capture)Can’t be copied. A link will be added to all modules as part of the institutional template.
Minerva Class TeamsCan’t be copied. A new Class Team can be set up as required.
Reading ListsCan’t be copied. A link will be added to all modules as part of the institutional template.
Content visibilityAll items are copied as hidden from students, any other availability settings aren’t retained.
GroupsYou will need to recreate any groups.
Module image (banner)Module images will need to be re-added.

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Top tips for copying content

Before copying any content, we recommend reading our top tips:

  • Where possible stick to the structure in the institutional template.
  • Copy individual files, folders, Learning Modules or other content (such as tests), do not copy an entire module as not all content types will copy well.
  • Structure depth is limited to two levels. This can be a Learning Module and a folder, or two folders.
  • If you are copying folders/learning modules that include any of the integrated assessment tools listed at the top of this page, you will need to delete and recreate them.
  • It is recommended that you don’t copy the:
    • Information – Start Here Learning Module which has been replaced by the Module Information and Help Learning Module. Any items that are located in Information – Start Here should be copied individually.
    • Assessment and Feedback folder. If you have added any assessment related information for students, you should copy those items individually.
  • If you are copying content to a folder/learning module, click on the area that you wish to add content to and select the Copy Content option within the folder/learning module.
  • Always check content you have copied across to ensure it has copied as expected.
  • Copied content is hidden from students by default, you will need to change the visibility for students to access it.
  • Delete any empty Learning Modules or folders.
  • Review the module using student preview [insert link] to check the student experience.

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Copy Content

We recommend that you do not attempt to copy entire modules.

Attempting to copy entire modules may result in copied items having technical issues which may not be immediately obvious.

1. When copying content in Minerva, you will need to carry this out from the module you want to copy content into. From the Module Content page navigate to the appropriate area in the module where you’d like the content to be added, this will differ depending on whether you are copying Learning Modules/folders or individual items.

2. To copy a Learning Module or folder click the + sign in the appropriate part of your module, then select Copy Content from the menu options.

To copy individual items into a folder or Learning Module click the Learning Module or folder first, to open it, then select copy content inside the Learning Module/folder.

This is an appropriate scenario when copying individual items from within the Assessment and Feedback folder. As advised in the top tips section it is recommended that you don’t copy the Assessment and Feedback folder.

3. The Copy Content panel will open, and you will see a list of the modules and organisations you have editing rights on. Use the search to locate the relevant module, then click on the module name you want to copy from.

Duplicating content in the same module

If you’d like to duplicate content you have already created in the same module select the name of the module you are currently editing in the search field instead of a different module.

Screenshot of Ultra platform

4. Find the content you want to copy and select the relevant checkboxes (note that you can copy more than one item at a time). As outlined in our copying top tips, remember not to copy an entire module.

5. Now select Copy selected content.

If you have difficulty finding the content you’d like to copy, you can return to the previous folder/section, or a different module by clicking the folder icon above the section you are currently browsing e.g., if you are looking for content to copy from Learning Resources in an Original module you should click the folder icon next to Learning Resources then select the appropriate location from the list of links.

Screenshot of Ultra platform

Depending on the amount of content copied it may take several minutes for the process to complete.

Copied content is hidden from students by default, you will need to change the visibility for students to access it.

You can change whether content is hidden or visible at an individual item, folder or learning module level, or you can edit the visibility of one or more items at once by clicking the three dots icon from the top right (below the Student Preview icon), and select Batch Edit.

For step-by-step written guidance on using the Batch Edit tool to make multiple items available, see the Batch Edit guide.

Restructuring copied content in your module

If you accidentally copy content into the wrong part of the module or would just like to reorder/restructure, you can do so by hovering over the relevant piece of content, where you will see an up/down arrow to the right. Select the arrows to drag and drop the content to the desired area.

Review assessment due dates

If you have copied any Blackboard assessment tools (tests, assignments or SCORM packages) you will need to review and update any due dates

Issues and exceptions copying content

If any problems are encountered when copying content, an error report will appear at the top of the Module Content page.  They are usually advisory, but it is strongly recommended that you always review all copied content to ensure it has copied successfully, and as expected.

Screenshot of Ultra platform

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