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Removing staff from a Minerva module/organisation - Staff Guide

Removal from a Minerva module

If you are not longer teaching/assisting on a Minerva module and would like to be removed/unenrolled.

  • Please contact the Student Education Service (SES) team within your school as they will need to update your staff enrolment record via the Banner form SIAASGN.

Once your enrolment record is changed in Banner, it will be reflected in Minerva the next day.

You may be asked to provide details of your active payroll number, this is used to ensure the correct record is updated (in cases where you may had previous roles at the University).

If you don’t have a SES team aligned to your department, contact your Banner Super User (this link will take you to the IT website), or contact your Faculty Learning Technologist team for advice.

If you have been given a temporary student enrolment on a Minerva module, (this sometimes happens so that staff can quickly see a module as a student would). Please contact one of the teaching staff to unenroll you from the module.

For enrolments older than the current academic year, or one year prior. Enrolments for older modules in Minerva, beyond the current academic year and one year prior, will need to be removed manually. Please submit a request via the IT website if you need to un-enrol someone from an older module.

Removal from a Minerva Organisation (not a module)

To request the removal of a staff role in an Organisation (not a module), please submit a request via the IT Service Desk.