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Turnitin and Gradescope - students may see incorrect submission date in Minerva following return of grades

Known Issues and Bugs

When students access a Turnitin or Gradescope submission area from module content in Minerva, they see a peak panel displaying key information about their assessment before they can launch the Turnitin interface.

The submission date in this peak panel is correct until grades have been returned to Minerva. Once grades have been returned to Minerva, it shows the incorrect date they were returned.

Students will see the correct submission date if they progress to the Turnitin interface. They will also have the correct submission date in their downloaded receipt.  If a student progresses to the Gradescope interface, they can access the submission history where they will see the correct submission date. They will also have the correct submission date in their emailed receipt for homework assignment types. If students access the Turnitin or Gradescope grade/paper via Minerva Gradebook, no submission date is present in this view so there is no issue.

Until this is fixed, students can be advised to access the Turnitin or Gradescope interface where the submitted date is correctly displayed.

We have reported this issue to the vendor.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.