Minerva Monthly Updates
These monthly updates provide an overview of the new features, bug-fixes, and improvements made to Minerva. DE Systems colleagues work with Anthology (the developers of Minerva) to define user enhancement requests which feed into an ongoing agile development environment.
Please see Monthly Systems Updates for updates to other Digital Education Systems. This page covers Monthly Minerva Updates for the academic year 2024/25. Updates from other academic years can be found at
Minerva Updates Archive 2022/23 or Minerva Updates Archive 2023/24.
March 2025
In the March update there are changes to rubrics in Blackboard Assignment, module settings, the AI Design Assistant tools and release conditions.
Pop-out rubric
When marking Blackboard Assignments, a pop-out rubric is now available. To access the rubric, click the pop-out icon above the rubric in the grading panel:
As you navigate through student submissions, the rubric will update accordingly.
Module Settings
Following feedback, the toggle for opening or closing a module has been replaced with radio buttons labelled Open and Closed. It is now clearer how to make your modules open (available) to students:
At present, the text in the interface refers to the setting being based on overriding the course duration - this is not relevant at Leeds. We have asked our supplier for an option that will allow us to change this text to make it more relevant and meaningful for staff at Leeds.
AI Design Assistant
Image Generation
Following this update, the AI Design Assistant will only generate one image at a time and will save previously generated images (just click Generate again if you don't like what was initially generated). Previously, four images were generated. This is to save processing power (AI tools use a lot of energy).
Learning Module Generation
If images fail to generate, a placeholder is now created. It is then possible to re-generate the image from the placeholder.
Conditional Release: due dates now included
When you use conditional release to allow access from/until certain dates for Blackboard assessment items (Assignment and Test), the due date is now flagged in the interface.
February 2025
The February update introduces changes to Blackboard Assignment, rendering of files, image options in Minerva Documents, Group creation, and the AI Design Assistant.
Blackboard Assignment
A larger area of the screen is now dedicated to displaying the student's submission in the Grading Interface (information in the top menu has been condensed).
Improvements to rendering of uploaded files
Files uploaded by staff to Minerva should better retain their original formatting/characteristics when displaying inline. There were previously reported issues with Excel, PowerPoints, right-to-left languages and files containing formulae.
These improvements also apply to the inline display of files uploaded to Blackboard Assignments by students.
Minerva Document - new Image Block
An image block has been added to Minerva Documents. Staff can use image blocks to upload their own images, use the AI Design Assistant to generate images, or select images from Unsplash. Image blocks can be moved throughout, just like other block types. Staff have the option to resize images, set height, and maintain aspect ratios in image blocks. Adding images via the image block also reduces white space around images and provides greater control over content design.
Read our Minerva Document guide to find out more about Documents.
Changes to Group Creation
Before this update, you could create two types of Group: one at the module level and one at a 'tool' level. For example, if you navigated to Discussions and created a Group via this interface, the Group was only associated with the Discussion, which meant that you did not see it in the Module Groups interface and could not reuse it for another activity. Now, all Groups are created at the module level, regardless of where you create them.
Read our Groups guide to find out more about Groups.
AI Design Assistant
When creating questions or Learning Modules, staff can now create up to 20 questions/Learning Modules in one action. When using the AI assistant to generate Learning Modules, staff can now choose whether to add the descriptions.
Read our guide on the AI Design Assistant to find out more about these tools.
Changes to what is classed as an override
In the January update, a change was made so that grades directly added to the Grades View or on the Submission List for a Blackboard Assignment were no longer marked as 'Override'. This change has now also been applied when grading Discussions or Journals. If you upload grades via spreadsheet for Assignment, Discussions or Journals, these will also no longer be marked as overrides.
This change is to prevent any confusion to students, as they also used to see the 'override' label next to grades entered using these methods.
January 2025
The January update introduces changes to how Minerva modules are made available to students. There are also changes to Gradebook, the AI Design Assistant and Conditional Availability.
Making modules/organisations available to students
There are some changes to terminology in this update. When a module/organisation is available to students (i.e. they can enter it), the module/organisation is now described as 'open'. When a module/organisation is unavailable to students (i.e. students are enrolled but cannot enter it yet), the module/organisation is now described as 'closed'.
How you switch from closed to open has also changed. There are various ways to do this. For example, when you are in a module, the status of the module is displayed by the open/closed button in the top, right hand corner of the module. Click on this to change the status:
The Module Settings page will open. Scroll down to the Close Module option. To open the module and make it available to students, toggle the 'Module content is not available to students' option to off:
The process is the same for an organisation.
See our guide on how to make your module or organisation open/closed for full details.
Hiding items in Gradebook from the staff view
If you have many assessed items in your module and don't need to monitor them all, you can hide items from the staff view.
To hide Gradebook items from the staff view, go to Gradebook settings by clicking the cog icon in the right-hand corner of Gradebook:
Scroll down the page to the Item management section and select Manage gradebook items.
On this page, you can toggle on/off gradebook visibility for an item. You can also select multiple items and Edit visibility to change them all in one action.
Remember, hiding items here will not affect the student view.
Changes to what is classed as an override when marking Blackboard Assignments
Marks directly entered to the Grades View or on the Submission List for an Assignment were previously marked as an 'override' and stored slightly differently in Minerva. Grades View and the Submission List look like this (marks can be entered directly to these interfaces):
The Grades View in Gradebook
The Submission List in Gradebook
After this update, marks entered in this way will not be classed as overrides. Marks included in File Uploads for Assignments will still be classed as 'overrides' for now, but this is expected to change in February.
Classifying marks as overrides does not impact the return of marks for students but may cause confusion as students see the term 'override' in the interface.
It will still be possible to enter an override for Blackboard Assignments. For example, they could be used when a penalty is applied. This can be done when you view an Assignment submission, in the top right hand of the grading interface you must click the three dot icon to see the override option:
Conditional Availability - new setting for student attempts
In addition to being able to release content to students on the basis that they have achieved a mark within a given range for a graded item, it is now possible to release content solely on the basis that they have made an attempt (ie, they have submitted something), without the need to specify a range of marks.
See our guide on Conditional Availability for more information.
AI Design Assistant - new languages
The output languages for the AI Design Assistant have been updated. Greek, Catalan, Croatian, Irish, and Slovenian and now included.
Read our guide on the AI Design Assistant for more information on this functionality.
December 2024
The December update introduces an improvement to Learning Module navigation, new discussion posts and late assignment submissions are now easier to identify. There is also a fix to an accessibility issue with images in Minerva Documents.
Navigation for LTI and SCORM Items within Learning Modules
Students can now use navigation arrows to the left and right of LTI tools, such as Turnitin and Gradescope, as well as SCORM items, to seamlessly move through learning modules.
Discussions: New post indicator
A "New" indicator displays next to posts and replies that you have not yet accessed, making new discussion activity easier to find and access.
Late submission indicator
Instructors using Blackboard Assignments can now easily identify late submissions with a "Late" indicator in the flexible grading attempt banner.
Resolved: Issue with image accessibility in Minerva Documents
An issue where embedded images were added as buttons that were incorrectly identified by screen readers has been resolved.
November 2024
The November update introduces an improvement to the file submission process for Blackboard Assignment. There are also some changes to the Print Tests functionality and a new option to download the Activity Log. The Minerva Document content item was also recently updated.
Blackboard Assignment
If there is a problem during the submission process (e.g. internet connection is lost), is it possible that a file can be uploaded by a student which cannot be opened. Although this rarely happens, it is problematic as the root cause is not obvious. Following this update, if this occurs it will be flagged to the student during the upload process. If they choose to proceed without re-attaching the file, staff are advised when reviewing the assignment that there was a technical problem during the file upload.
Print Tests
This functionality has been re-worked. Now, when you use the Print Test function, answers will always be included.
For more information, see our guide on Tests.
Activity Log
The recently introduced Activity Log now includes the option to download the log.
See our Activity Log guide for more information on this tool.
Minerva Document
In October, the Minerva Document content item was updated. Key changes include: better formatting options (e.g. you can create multiple columns), knowledge checks, and the option to convert a file into a Document.
For more information, read our news post on the new Document item.
October 2024
The October update introduces a new option to have email notifications for followed Discussions. There are also updates to how leavers show in the Gradebook and AI options for Question Banks. Recently, a change to how module staff appear on the module content page has been made. A known issue with the Gradebook Overview is also resolved.
Module Staff - who appears on the Module content page
Recently, a change to how module staff appear on the module content page has been made. In the past, two Instructors appeared on the module content page - this was based on surname (alphabetical order). Now, the module leader appears on the module content page. The module leader is determined in Banner.
If the module leader for your module needs updating, this needs to be done in Banner. The student education team in your school should be able to advise on how Banner is updated locally.
Emailed notifications for Discussions
Staff and students now have new options to set up emailed notifications for Minerva Discussions (notifications can also be set for the Minerva Activity Stream).
In your settings for Email Notification (Email me straight away) there are new options to receive an email for:
- Activity on my responses
- Activity on responses I have replied to
- Responses from instructors
- Responses for followed* discussions (on by default)
- Replies for followed* discussions (on by default)
Although there is an 'Email me once a day' setting for 'New discussion messages' we do not recommend using this as it has proved unreliable. You can review your notification settings by visiting the Activity Stream (accessed via the navigation bar on the left when you log into Minerva). Click the settings cog in the top right to amend settings.
*The option to 'follow' a Discussion is a recent addition to Minerva. When viewing a Discussion, you should see the option to follow it. Click on the Follow button if you wish to do so.
When you follow a discussion, you are prompted to review your notification settings. Check you are happy with the settings for followed Discussions. You will receive an email each time a post is made by default.
For more information:
Leavers now appear in the module's Gradebook
When a student leaves the University, their account in Minerva becomes unavailable. This used to mean you no longer saw the student in the Minerva Gradebook. Now students with unavailable accounts still appear in the Gradebook.
In the 'Grades' tab of Gradebook, you will see the avatar of unavailable students has a strikethrough to indicate their unavailable status:
If you prefer not to see unavailable students, you can change this via the Gradebook settings. Click the Settings cog whilst in the Gradebook (top right). Then select the option to Hide students in the gradebook who no longer have access to the course:
For more information, see our guide on Gradebook settings.
Create Test Question Banks using AI
Question Banks can be used to present different questions to students in a Test e.g. you can choose to randomly present 10 questions from a bank of 20.
Previously you could only create Question Banks using AI from a Minerva Document. Now you can create Question Banks using AI directly in the Question Banks interface. From the Question Banks interface, select the + icon. Then you should see a 'Auto-generate' option. Click this to launch the AI Design Assistant.
The tool will automatically suggest questions based on the name of the module. Enter text into the Description field or select module items to base questions on, to improve results. Remember to click Generate to get new suggestions.
For existing Question Banks, you will also now see an option to add AI generated questions to the Bank.
For more information:
- Guide on advanced question creation using Blackboard Tests (covers Question Banks).
- Guide on AI Design Assistant
Gradebook Overview - known issue resolved
In the September update, a new Gradebook Overview feature was introduced. This contains links to work that needs grading. The Link 'Grade Now' didn't work for integrated tools like Turnitin and Gradescope. This issue has now been resolved.
September 2024
The September update introduces changes to the layout of module pages and some new Gradebook functionality.
New layout for module pages
There are three notable changes:
- The Details & Actions menu has moved;
- There are subtle changes to the colour palette to create visual depth;
- The + icon (for adding content)/drag and drop icons now always display.
The Details & Actions menu has moved to the right. This will be particularly useful for students on mobile devices as they will no longer have to scroll through 'Details & Actions' to get to important module content. The re-design should also work well on screen readers.
Content items now have a white background with the module page having a grey background. This is to help staff and students differentiate between items more easily.
For staff, the + icons (for adding content) have now moved to the left and always show. Similarly, the drag and drop icons always display. This means that you no longer have to position your mouse in the right place to make the icons display.
Leeds Minerva guides will be updated over September/October to match this new interface.
Gradebook - new functionality
Gradebook Indicator
An indicator has been added to the Gradebook link in the top navigation menu in your modules. This will highlight when there are items which need grading.
Gradebook Overview
A new Overview tab in the Gradebook highlights items which need grading and any grades which need posting (returning to students).
When you click the Overview tab, you will see a list of Gradebook items which need Grading and/or grades which need posting (returning) to students.
Click Grade now to be taken to the grading interface for the item. For Turnitin and Gradescope, you will need to click on the item name instead of Grade now as the latter isn't currently working (we have reported this to our suppliers).
Clicking Post now will give the option to immediately post the grades to students.
Student Activity Log
Click on the name of a student in the Gradebook to access the student's Activity Log. This will present a list of the student's interactions with the module. Please note this should be considered an indicative list of their interactions and should not be considered 100% reliable or a comprehensive list of their activity in the module. At present, it will not report on all interactions with integrated assessment tools like Turnitin or Gradescope (this should be supported in a future release).
Looking for older updates? Minerva updates from other academic years can be found at
Minerva Updates Archive 2022/23 or Minerva Updates Archive 2023/24.