Add files - Staff Guide
You can add a variety of content types to your module or organisation. This guide explains how to add files. If you’d like to add rich content that combines a...
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You can add a variety of content types to your module or organisation. This guide explains how to add files. If you’d like to add rich content that combines a...
Files can be added to modules directly from your University of Leeds OneDrive account. IMPORTANT OneDrive is the only supported cloud service at the University of Leeds. For step-by-step guidance...
Folders are a useful way of organising content by adding structure to your module/organisation. You can create two levels of Folders to organise your content. You can't create a third...
Learning Modules can be used in your module to organise content allowing students to move from one content item to the next without distractions or extra clicks. Learning Modules are...
Minerva supports the most recent version of all major desktop browsers: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Firefox Quantum Safari (Mac Only) Visit the browser checker on Blackboard's website to check if...
Blackboard Assignment can be used for both individual and group assessment, and offline assessments (e.g. to return grades and feedback for work where there is no submission to Minerva). They...
Student Preview allows you to access content from a student perspective. Once you’ve built your content, use the Student Preview function to review it. This is useful to: Check the...
Discussions and Conversations are different ways tutors can engage students in online conversations. Discussions Staff can create Discussions directly in the module content area alongside relevant content or they can...
Folders and Learning Modules are both containers for content. The key difference is how content is presented to students: For a Folder, students open each item within the Folder individually....
Adding images to your content area can be a great way of grabbing attention and increasing engagement in your modules, and as an effective visual tool within your learning content...
Packages are a set of files that are linked together and compressed into a single package (.zip). Some software providers (e.g. Articulate) allow users to output package files that are...
Staff and student access to modules and organisations in Minerva are known as enrolments. There are 4 staff roles available in Minerva with different permissions to control what members of...
Staff and student access to Modules and Organisations in Minerva are known as enrolments. Organisation enrolments are also known as org enrolments. How Organisation enrolments are generated and maintained Student...
Staff will be aware that it is necessary to refresh their Minerva teaching areas before the start of the 2022/23 academic year as part of the move to Ultra Course...
A member of staff has a student enrolment on a module. They need staff access and are assigned correctly on Banner - what should I do? Manual enrolments overrule Banner...
First step: apply for a staff username Before a PhD student can get a staff role in Minerva, they should apply for a staff University username which is associated to...
I am trying to manually enrol a student but they do not appear when I search, why is that? It is likely that they are already enrolled on the module....
Note Both staff and students users can see who is enrolled on a module by following the steps outlined below. This means students will be able to see the names...
View Minerva Student Guides home page View Minerva Staff Guides home page Students can access modules they were enrolled on from previous years assuming the module leaders have left the...
When you first log into Minerva, the Global Navigation menu on the left displays a link called Modules. Click this to open the Modules page. The Modules page is where...
With the Builder role you can still edit your module but you won’t see student submissions. If this is a problem, please contact the Student Education Service representative within your...
In the Gradebook, assessments are graded and then grades are posted. Students only see their grades in Gradebook/Grades when they are posted. Depending on the assessment tool used, grades and...
There are two options available when setting individual student exceptions/accommodations: You can give a student an accommodation which will apply to all Blackboard assessments: Blackboard Test, Blackboard Assignment and assessed...
You can search, filter and organise Gradebook to make it easier for you to work. It is also possible to hide Gradebook items from the staff view. Search the Gradebook...
You can view and make changes to the default Gradebook settings for your module. Gradebook settings include options to set up and modify: Grade Schema, Automatic Zeros, Student Visibility, Overall...
Blackboard (Minerva) Grading Rubrics are a different tool to the Rubrics available in Turnitin. Blackboard Rubrics cannot be used in Turnitin. Read the Turnitin guide on Rubrics for information if...
In a module, above the Details & Actions menu, students will see the module leader under the Module Staff heading. Clicking Show more, will allow students to see any other...
Gradebook is the place where you can manage assessments and student grades/feedback. Assessments created in Minerva will automatically create an item in the Gradebook for the return of grades and...
The SES recommendation is that the Overall Grade in the Gradebook is not shown to students (to avoid confusion). Staff may wish to use the Overall Grade to carry out...
A default institutional template is added to all new modules. This template has been designed to assist staff when structuring modules and to provide a consistent method of navigation to...
The University’s Reading List tool is changing ahead of the 2022/23 academic year. Support sessions and demos are available for tutors to update their reading lists using the new system....
View Minerva Student Guides home page View Minerva Staff Guides home page What is Netiquette? Netiquette is a set of informal rules or conventions which can help ensure your online...
The University of Leeds Library website provides guidance on referencing. Visit the site to understand what referencing is and how you should use it in your academic work. Find out...
Minerva will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes on Tuesday 14th June at 3am (BST) for essential maintenance required to restore normal capacity following the end of the assessment...
You may want to split the students in your PebblePad Workspace into smaller Sets. This is useful, for example, if you want to release an assignment to different groups of...
From the 27th of June, all users will notice that Microsoft Teams meeting recordings are no longer automatically saved to Microsoft Stream, they will be saved to the either OneDrive...
Turnitin will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance from midnight to 8am (BST) on 9 July. You can find out further details via Turnitin's service status page...
A Virtual Classroom is an online teaching and learning environment where staff and students can present teaching and learning materials, engage and interact with one another, and work in groups...
As part of the default institutional module template added to all modules, a link called Mediasite (Lecture Capture) is included in Minerva. Automated module lecture captures and other Mediasite recordings...
You can the Insert YouTube Video option to browse and add video content directly in the editor within a Document. You should not use Minerva as a video storage service,...